Zoi Johns

Expertise includes:

Zoi is a human rights advocate motivated by structural inequities and their disproportionate effects on marginalized populations. She believes in the dignity and autonomy of all individuals and is relentless in the pursuit of empowerment and justice.

Zoi earned a Master’s degree from the Josef Korbel School for International Studies, with a specialization in human rights and a certificate in global health affairs. During her time at Korbel, Zoi developed an intense interest in the intersection of migration and health. She is grateful and proud to have been a part of several initiatives involving anti-trafficking legislation, immigration policy, and female empowerment. Zoi brings a perspective harnessed in human rights and cultural relativism to every role she dives into. Her background in anthropology propels Zoi’s global activism and challenges her to find new ways to integrate the human rights discourse across various settings. 

In her free time, you can find Zoi somewhere outside whether it’s on the ski slopes, rock climbing, hiking, or reading in a park. 


Kate Hollcraft


Rebecca Mendoza