Uplift Lifts & Bits - March 2023

Advice and Quick Takes on Social Impact, Sustainability and ESG


Lifts & Bits

Charting a Course to Responsible Business on the High Seas: The Implications of the New Treaty

After decades of diplomatic debate, the United Nations has finally secured a landmark treaty safeguarding the world's high seas.

But what implications could it have on your business?

This new treaty is an important first step in the right direction, but it will still take collective effort from countries and companies around the world to ensure that the ocean is safeguarded for generations to come.

Learn more about the new U.N. High Seas Treaty and what it could mean for your business and operations in international waters.

Check it out: Here

From Voluntary to Mandatory: What You Need to Know About Emissions Disclosure Laws

Regulators and governing bodies around the world are rapidly moving to mandate that companies disclose their emissions, progress, and reduction targets. 

As the latest IPCC report shows, the voluntary actions taken by companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions have not been enough to meet our global goal of decarbonizing by 2050. 

It is important for companies, both private and SMEs, to anticipate rapid changes and continuously rising expectations. 

What is your team doing to be prepared for this transition to mandatory emissions disclosure? 

Learn more about what you need to know about emissions disclosure laws and the shift from voluntary to mandatory reporting.

Check it out: Here

The SEC’s New Carbon Regulations: What You Need to Know for Your Business 

This month, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to mandate climate disclosures for publicly-traded companies. If enacted, this regulation will shift sustainability data collection and reporting requirements and create far-reaching implications that will trickle down even to private companies.

Join us on this informative webinar as our environmental experts cover the new reporting requirements, how they will impact your business, and the steps your company needs to take to meet the requirements and report with credibility.

Pre-register now for the webinar which will take place shortly after the release of the SEC regulations. 

If you sign up and are unable to attend, don’t worry! We’ll provide access to a recording.

Sign Up: Here


U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPPC) 

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report with some daunting findings.

We are now at a "critical moment in history," IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee shared. The good news: we have the knowledge and resources needed to achieve our climate goals and combat global warming.

Ready to take action? Uplift's VP of sustainability, Deon Glaser, and her team are here to help your business set science-based targets and establish a credible pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Reach out to get started. When it comes to protecting our planet, there's no time to waste.

Report: Here


Inspiring Us:

Uplift CEO, Corinne Graper, on International Women’s Day

Hire women. Promote women. Retain women. Refer women.

Leading up to International Women's Day, one of the best changes a company can make to advance “women’s empowerment” is to shift how they operate: hire us, promote us, retain us, and refer us. This requires a learning mindset, humility and dedicated resources.

The corporate system was not designed with women in mind. So it's no surprise that, no matter how much companies talk about how they value women, host conferences, market to women, and create social impact programs, we still remain a small portion of leaders and CEOs.

Women-owned businesses barely make a scratch in corporate supply chains. Yet, we make up 50% of the population.

As a woman CEO and entrepreneur of The Uplift Agency, I want to call attention to the trend of corporations creating branded programs to support women entrepreneurs. While perhaps well-intentioned, these programs often invest small amounts of money but require a mountain of paperwork to compete for these limited resources. And then they publicize the heck out of their program and the women’s stories, even though the impact is limited.

There are better ways to make meaningful progress.

Here's one: Let's commit to real change by increasing supplier diversity metrics. Imagine the impact if 50% of a company's suppliers were women or minority-owned businesses! This shift requires more than just a branded program - it requires dedicated resources and a commitment to doing the work.

And that’s what it takes to be a true game changer.

GreenWorldwide: Is The Art of Logistics Disappearing With Automation?

Check out this article by our strategic partner Green Worldwide Shipping, LLC® about the roles of people and technology in improving sustainability in supply chains.

“Some of humanity's greatest achievements are anchored in innovative technology, but it's also about people.”

The world is calling on companies to reduce their harmful impacts on disadvantaged communities globally, including those issues associated with forced labor and human rights violations that are common in almost all corporate supply chains.

Technology alone cannot make the greatest gains in reducing GHG emissions – it is the people using this technology that will make the difference.

Together, Uplift + Green are helping lead the way for manufacturers and companies across the globe to improve the sustainability of their direct operations and global supply chains. 

Article: Here

Biodiversity Disclosures: What Does This Mean For Your Business?

Mandatory biodiversity disclosures might be on the way shortly following a new proposal from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Agreements made at the COP15 U.N. Biodiversity Conference in December 2022 accelerated the global regulatory outlook on biodiversity.

The conference discussed a global biodiversity framework that requires signatory governments to move to mandate large companies and financial institutions to regularly disclose their biodiversity impacts, dependencies and risks.

The fourth beta version from TNFD of its risk management and disclosure framework aims to create a robust and global framework for organizations to assess, manage, and ultimately disclose their impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities related to nature. The full release for market adoption is slated for September 2023.

Check out this article on the steps you and your business can take to prepare as biodiversity disclosures become mandatory. ⬇️

Article: Here

Uplifting News:

Uplift Welcomes Sheryl Guarniero

We are beyond excited to welcome Sheryl Guarniero to the Uplift team!

Sheryl is passionate about helping companies use their business as a force for good through strategic sustainability woven into the fabric of their culture. She has been an essential team member at companies of all sizes: from small local businesses to international Fortune 500 companies as well as all levels of government, universities, and non-profit organizations.

Sheryl has worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NJ DEP, States of Florida, South Carolina, Rhode Island, and New York, plus the U.S. Navy, on environmental sustainability, compliance, emergency response, and community engagement.

Through the lens of risk management and compliance, she is able to balance people, profits, and planet by designing and implementing effective sustainability, ESG, and waste solutions.

Welcome to the team, Sheryl! We are glad you are here.

We’re Hiring TWO New Positions!

We’re hiring! Uplift is seeking TWO new positions to join our team.

1. Senior Director of ESG Strategy & Reporting
2. Executive Team Coordinator

Uplift is a different kind of sustainability firm.

We believe that profits, people, and our planet can advance together when companies are rooted in their purpose and value all stakeholders. We’re committed to helping companies do good that lasts.

We help build sustainable and responsible brands that can walk the talk. Uplift has deep technical expertise in environmental, human rights, social impact, and ESG practices. We combine that with industry-leading communicators, creatives, and brand strategists to create a one-stop shop to help companies look better and do better.

If this aligns with your values, please follow the link below for more information ⬇️




Skills-Based Volunteering as A Talent Acquisition and DEI Tool


From Voluntary to Mandatory: What You Need to Know About Emissions Disclosure Laws