Uplift Lifts & Bits - January 2023

Advice and Quick Takes on Social Impact, Sustainability and ESG


Lifts & Bits

In this edition, we cover actions that businesses can take to strengthen sustainability in their supply chain, magnify their social impact, communicate their ESG story more effectively, and stay on track for upcoming ESG regulations and trends.

With long “to do” lists, what should sustainability, ESG and social impact professionals put at the top of their Q1 list?

Conducting a Regulatory Landscape Analysis

The fast pace of ESG regulation coming from governments around the world is keeping business on its toes. Whether it's human rights, environmental, inclusion and diversity, or ESG reporting – understanding what’s coming your way is key to business continuity and credibility.

New regulations are unfolding that will require companies to report on sustainability and climate-related information in their financial reporting frameworks as early as 2024, including the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive that will require an estimated 50,000 companies to report - up from the current 11,700 or so.

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is also working to develop a unified set of standards to provide a global baseline of disclosure requirements for companies and regulators to follow. The final version of these standards is slated for release in June.

Given this timeline, companies need to prepare now. Here are four steps to get you started:

Conduct an analysis of all of the emerging and pending regulations in the markets where you operate.

Chart the requirements of each piece of legislation and identify what information you need to know to assess if your company meets the requirement.

Collect the necessary data and analyze it to determine if/when your company must report.

Catalog the data and proactively map where you have information, process or resource gaps that need to be addressed in order to report properly. With this new information in hand, it’s also a great time to adjust your ESG strategy as needed.

At Uplift, our sustainability and ESG experts are here to help you navigate the road ahead and walk alongside you every step of the way to build, implement, report and communicate your environmental, social and governance performance. Reach out to deonglaser@theupliftagency.com to discuss how we can help.

Corinne Graper, CEO Uplift

5 Early Actions for Stronger & More Sustainable Supply Chains

As we continue to transition towards a low-carbon future, companies need to strengthen their supply chains to help meet their public climate commitments.

Check out these 5 actions your company can take to make its supply chain more sustainable and resilient through changing expectations and increased regulation: Here

From Vision to Action: A Blueprint for How Small Businesses Can Make Meaningful Social Impact in the World

You may not know it, but small business leaders have an important role to play in meaningful social impact.

“Given the sheer number of small businesses, the role they can play in actually making a measurable impact is substantial.”

Looking for an actionable roadmap for your small business to make meaningful, sustainable social change in the world?

Check it out: Here

5 Tips for Effective ESG Communications

If you implement amazing ESG programs at your company but don’t talk about them, will anybody know

Communicating honestly and effectively about your ESG initiatives is a critical part of the process.

Here are 5️⃣ Tips for Effective ESG Communications from Chris McGrath, Uplift’s VP of Communications: Here


Carbon Offsets are Under Scrutiny. They Can and Need to Be Fixed.

Companies cannot pay to erase their carbon footprint.

Carbon offsets are an essential part of their work to reduce this footprint, but only if they’re done right.

And low-quality offsets can leave well-meaning companies with a PR nightmare on their hands and no real benefits to point to.

Companies can and must make real progress to lower their total carbon footprint and only then, if needed, use high-quality offsets to cancel out their hardest-to-eliminate emissions.

We’re repeating this carbon action mantra because the headlines are abuzz with the news: a major offsetting program - Verra - has been strongly criticized by an independent investigation for selling ineffective offsets. This situation does not mean that all offsets are low quality, though many are. So what does this mean? It means that companies are probably not getting what they paid for. The trees they paid to protect weren’t in jeopardy to begin with, for example. And why does this matter?

Read the full article: Here


 Is "Green-hushing" the New Greenwashing?

“Green-hushing” is when a company keeps quiet on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in order to reduce the risk they will be called out for not doing enough or potentially misstating their progress on ESG issues.

More companies are withholding information about their ESG strategies and commitments. But this can be a risky move since progress on ESG issues is quickly becoming a key indicator of corporate success.

A recent survey found that while 72 percent of the 1,200 private companies polled have set emissions targets in line with global climate goals, nearly a quarter of them don't plan to publicize them.

Avoiding transparent conversations with stakeholders when it comes to environmental, social, and governance issues is short-sighted and can risk future consequences from investors, consumers, activists and even regulators.

Companies seeking to avoid responsibility and criticism by removing transparency are unlikely to find this as the easy way out.

Check out this article for more on Green-hushing and the risk it poses to your company.

5 Metrics Investors Use to Evaluate Your ESG Performance

What are 5 metrics investors use to evaluate your ESG performance?

Investors use a variety of factors to evaluate a company’s ESG performance and are increasingly focused on how companies address long-term sustainability.

Investors are looking for evidence that a company is actively engaging in environmental and social responsibility initiatives, as well as good corporate governance practices.

5 metrics that investors may use to evaluate ESG performance are:

👣 Carbon Footprint

🪫 Commitment to Renewable Energy Sources

⛑️ Labor Practices

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Diversity and Inclusion Policies

📜 Corporate Ethics and Governance Policies

You need to understand how investors evaluate your ESG performance so you can work towards improving and communicating your progress transparently.

Need help improving your ESG strategy to appeal to investors? We can help.

Uplifting News:

Uplift x Optimy Webinar: 6 Social Impact Trends to Watch in 2023

Optimy and our Director of Social Impact & ESG, Jerome Tennille, MSL, CVA, teamed up to discuss the top 6 social impact trends you need to consider for your 2023 strategy.

From applying equity in grant-making practices to developing a bullet-proof data-collection and reporting strategy, this webinar covered key topics you will need as you plan your activities for the year ahead.

If you missed the webinar, don’t worry! You can watch it HERE.

Uplift Welcomes Zoi Johns

Uplift is excited to welcome Zoi Johns as the new Social Impact Graduate Intern.

Zoi is a human rights advocate motivated by structural inequities and their disproportionate effects on marginalized populations. She believes in the dignity and autonomy of all individuals and is relentless in the pursuit of empowerment and justice.

Zoi earned a Master’s degree from the Josef Korbel School for International Studies, with a specialization in human rights and a certificate in global health affairs. During her time at Korbel, Zoi developed an intense interest in the intersection of migration and health. She is grateful and proud to have been a part of several initiatives involving anti-trafficking legislation, immigration policy, and female empowerment. Zoi brings a unique perspective in human rights and cultural relativism to every role she dives into. Her background in anthropology propels Zoi’s global activism and challenges her to find new ways to integrate the human rights discourse across various settings.

We're Hiring!

Uplift is seeking to add three new positions to the team:

  • Director of ESG Strategy & Reporting

  • ESG Communications Manager

  • Sustainability Consultant

Our team is a focused collective of strategists, issue experts, creatives, and thought leaders. We serve as a think tank, strategic partner, and tactical team helping our clients turn big ideas into big impact. Founded in early 2020, we’re growing quickly and are excited for what’s next.

Learn More: Here


How to Bring Your Social Impact Story to Life


5 Tips for Effective ESG Communications